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Interview with Les Envers designer

Interview with Les Envers designer

Dec 14 2010, 9:12 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

Creativity and desire to do something unique and personal are not lacking to young Italians, as evidenced by this interview that I had the pleasure to make to Sara Turatello, designer of “Les Envers”, who left a secure career to follow her dreams …
Q – Tell us a little about you and your work.
A – I studied fashion design at the Marangoni Institute in Milan, after which I worked for a year and a half as a designer for Armani Junior, but I left the place: I am naturally instinctive and I wasn’t interested in big industies. In 2008, returned to Bologna, my home town, I worked for one year and a half at Emmanuel Schvili, a small clothing company in Bologna. But even there, I gave up … Meanwhile in the evening, however, I created my stuff: t-shirts, belts, necklaces, earrings, brooches, … what came into my mind! Bored of companies and to work for someone, I created my first bags, recycling shoes boxes. That’s how my first line has born. No more designer bags, no more department stores bags: each of us is unique and even the bags must be such, each case must have its own personality like us women. That’s why the bags were unique and each had its own card with the name. Then I realized I had better move on and start taking accessories seriously. I thought the bag that every woman should have and want, must be able to contain everything … This gives rise to “Les Poppins”, as Mary Poppins bag! I started working the skin at the end of June 2010, so I’m still experimenting , but I have to say that people like it: there was a great buzz despite being in only two stores in Italy. I’m very surprised of this!
Q – Where do you get inspiration for your line of accessories?
A – Inspiration should be both according to my tastes, both following the trends (if there’s sherling I use it, if some particular color is very trendy I use it, etc …) but every bag is almost unique. “Les Poppins” are chic and comfortable, suitable from twenty-yers-old to seventy-years-old. They don’t have any age limits, evryone can buy them, it’s something that surprised me. Now I have found a way to customize these. Then I think a lot before falling asleep: it’s the best time of the day!
Q – Tell us how do the accessories “Les Envers” born.
A – After a careful choice of leather, linings and minutia, I cut “Les Poppins” by hand in a laboratory. Next, now that the production has increased, other people sew them, otherwise I can’t follow everything, there are too many things to do! Only the portion of the cut … Having so many pieces of different colors is hard, but I’m gearing. The problem is that I just started and I have to understand a lot of things … As for the necklaces, earrings, gloves, caps, … they born by chance, to tell the truth … Taking the shapes and cutting, composing haphazardly! Is in particular to give the customer the choice combinations: the gloves are bestsellers coordinated with the bag, but even earrings, necklaces, belts and beanies. I propose more matches.
Q – What advice would you give to a novice designer?
A – Well, I’m throwing, without fear (a little anxiety is normal, otherwise I would be crazy!). Sometimes I don’t even sleep at night! But in June 2011 (after one year) I’ll see how things are going and I’ll draw conclusions … I have time to get back into business, fortunately. And anyway, I just started with the turbo, hope I don’t have to go into reverse!
Q – Plans for the future?
A – My bags are currently at “The Kitchen of Fashion“: let’s see what happens these days. And during the Christmas period I will assess the next steps. I have many projects, but I cant tell yet!
I thank Sara for the time she dedicated to me and I wish her best luck!

Designer: Les Envers

Tags: accessories bag color craft creative design designer handmade hat interior leather Made in Italy

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