TheMAG your daily dose of creativity: magazine about fashion, design, arts, trends and coolness

Creepy rag dolls

Creepy rag dolls

Oct 29 2010, 11:24 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

For Halloween we present the "creepy" creatures of Jodi Cain. These dolls are entirely [ ... ]

Flicker lamp

Flicker lamp

Oct 29 2010, 8:03 am 0 Marco Russo

For the usual Friday column dedicated to Lithing Design, today we present "Flicker" a lamp [ ... ]

I Wear Black Sanctuary

I Wear Black Sanctuary

Oct 28 2010, 9:12 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

The unexpected encounters, even virtual ones, can really make your day. This is what happened [ ... ]

Patch: the paper watch

Patch: the paper watch

Oct 27 2010, 12:21 pm 0 Marco Russo

Swiss watch brand ALTANUS created Patch: the first paper watch in the world. PATCH, besides [ ... ]

Kuyichi sustainable fashion

Kuyichi sustainable fashion

Oct 27 2010, 8:21 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

Those who follow us will know that we endorse and support all projects promoting sustainability, [ ... ]

Playbutton: the music that you wear

Playbutton: the music that you wear

Oct 26 2010, 8:22 am 0 Marco Russo

Pins have always been inextricably linked to the world of independent music: all bands [ ... ]

ReFind Originals

ReFind Originals

Oct 25 2010, 12:27 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

Anita Hopper started as a child, by sewing clothes for her dolls. This passion led her [ ... ]

Fabricate: the lamp with the dress

Fabricate: the lamp with the dress

Oct 22 2010, 8:28 am 0 Marco Russo

The designers of the London based Studio Henny van Nistelrooy, have recently presented [ ... ]

Gaga Sunglasses

Gaga Sunglasses

Oct 21 2010, 9:03 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

The perfect accessory for your nights in the coolest clubs? If you don't want to go unnoticed [ ... ]



Oct 20 2010, 8:23 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

Some time ago we showed you a bag that could close to become a practic pocket ball. The [ ... ]

Pixels XL

Pixels XL

Oct 19 2010, 9:05 am 0 Marco Russo

Do you want to be able to change color or decorate easily (without soil,break or pierce) [ ... ]

Knitted stools

Knitted stools

Oct 18 2010, 12:24 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

I bet your grandmother is a knitting witch and has already put up a nice set scarf-gloves-hatfor [ ... ]



Oct 18 2010, 8:25 am 0 Marco Russo

What is Chop? A candy? A donut? A lifebuoy? No, none of this. Chop is the knife created [ ... ]

Favorite Things – pendant lamp

Favorite Things – pendant lamp

Oct 15 2010, 12:33 pm 0 Marco Russo

For the column "THE.closet Lighiting Design Day" this week we present "Favorite Things": [ ... ]

Kobi Levi design

Kobi Levi design

Oct 15 2010, 8:33 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

Kobi Levi graduated from Bezalel academy of art & design in Jerusalem and specialize [ ... ]