TheMAG your daily dose of creativity: magazine about fashion, design, arts, trends and coolness

Bramble jelly shot

Bramble jelly shot

Jun 01 2012, 4:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

Today we don't present a simple recipe, but a real work of culinary art. Bramble jelly [ ... ]

Molecular Addictions

Molecular Addictions

Jun 01 2012, 10:00 am 0 Monica Bogliolo

The jewels of the collection Molecular Addictions by Aroha Silhouettes fascinated me not [ ... ]

New York cheesecake

New York cheesecake

May 25 2012, 4:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

This is one of my favorite desserts, and I managed to find the original recipe, among other [ ... ]

Anna Kirikova beauty series

Anna Kirikova beauty series

May 22 2012, 12:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

A series of portraits created by photographer Anna Kirikova with the work of makeup artist [ ... ]

Everybody want to jazz

Everybody want to jazz

May 21 2012, 4:00 pm 0 Verdiana Oberto

The rain and the bad weather didn't interrupted the Torino Jazz Festival, from Friday, [ ... ]

Spicy Mango and Coconut Chicken

Spicy Mango and Coconut Chicken

May 18 2012, 6:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

Today we present a sweet and sour dish, a balanced mix of vegetables and meat with a sweet [ ... ]

Igor Oussenko

Igor Oussenko

May 16 2012, 12:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

An awesome editorial by the Russian photographer Igor Oussenko, with a bold make-up full [ ... ]

Halibut en Papillote

Halibut en Papillote

May 11 2012, 6:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

Today we propose a simple and tasty way to enjoy fish (with halibut, but you can easily [ ... ]

Lemon yogurt ice box tart

Lemon yogurt ice box tart

May 04 2012, 2:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

Spring is perfect for preparing fresh and creamy desserts, and even though the weather [ ... ]

Home made sushi roll

Home made sushi roll

Apr 27 2012, 2:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

Sushi is one of my favorite dishes, and after trying it in several restaurants, some time [ ... ]

FuoriSalone 2012

FuoriSalone 2012

Apr 24 2012, 2:00 pm 0 Marco Russo

Few words, lots of pictures to describe and show our Sunday walking around FuoriSalone [ ... ]

Creme brulee french toasts

Creme brulee french toasts

Apr 20 2012, 6:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

I am greedy by nature, and I can eat embarrassing amount of food, despite being quite petite. [ ... ]

Salone Satellite 2012

Salone Satellite 2012

Apr 19 2012, 10:00 am 0 Marco Russo

The Monday of design arrived a day later, on Tuesday 17 started the Milan Design Week. [ ... ]

Henri Cartier Bresson

Henri Cartier Bresson

Apr 16 2012, 12:00 pm 0 Verdiana Oberto

From March 21st til June 24th, at Palazzo Reale of Torino, a retrospective is dedicated [ ... ]

Asian rice and vegatable bowl

Asian rice and vegatable bowl

Apr 13 2012, 4:00 pm 0 Monica Bogliolo

A simple and fresh dish, perfect even for vegetarians, with influences of oriental cuisine, [ ... ]