I came across the work of Hungarian sculptor
Márton Jancsó and I found it really inspiring. His latest sculpture is a typographical elephant created entirely from paper. What I like about this sculpture is the way that it makes the eye join up the negative spaces between the letters to create the creature. The sculpture also makes me think of “The elephant in the room”, an English phrase which means a large emotional issue that people know about but are too afraid to speak of, and I see the elephant constructed out of all the secret unspoken words that people want to say but can’t. I also love the way that Márton captures the dynamic energy of two rams fighting in his plastic sculpture “Big horn ram fight”. His “Monkey family installation” made from wood also has a beautifully realistic feel about it in the way the monkeys interact with each other and pose, while his “Sliced up pig” sculpture is both funny and surreal in equal measure.