“Food Storage”, a project conceived by the creatives from
FridayProject, an Italian collective based in Amsterdam, made by designer Valentina Raffaelli and the illustrator and graphic designer Luca Boscardin. A solution that winks the eye to food education through a space organization that bases its principles on the food pyramid, where the foods at the top are the ones that should be eaten in small quantities and foods at the bottom those that one should eat more frequently and in greater quantities. A way to transform the daily needs and push people to eat properly, reordering with logic the chaos brought by modern kitchens and the increasingly fast lifestyles. A structure with an essential design, featuring simple geometries, big spaces, shelves, drawers and containers capable of reorganizing the space and offer the right place and the right quantity to food. Food Storage and other products of the new collection of FridayProject will be presented next April in the stands of the Salone Satellite in Milan. We will be there, and you?